Hello Internet! My First Blog Post 😊
Hello Internet,
Welcome to The Skateria, a wonderland for lovers of the ice! This is a platform for me to document my l figure skating journey, along with providing helpful tips, resources, stories and guidance, where I can, for other skaters, beginners & lovers of the sport.
I would like to invite you to take part in my skating journey & for you to share yours with me! I know the figure skating community is full hardworking, passionate and supportive people and I cant wait to grow this community to share feedback, tips and inspiration.
You can gain instant access to these free resources by signing up here, to receive notifications about awesome resources, printables/worksheets & video tutorials as they come out.
To keep updated you can follow me on Instagram, Pintrest or Youtube - please dont hesitate to introduce yourself- always love meeting new friends!
Im excited to announce the first printable resource from The Skateria - a Figure Skating Goal Sheet. This sheet is great to use if you're a beginner just starting the basics (or returning to the sport like me!), its also handy at the start of a new year/season/level.
You can see some tips on setting and achieving goals & download the free Figure Skating Goals worksheet here.
Happy Skating!
With love, Jade